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The Talent Landscape Has Changed
The talent environment has shifted, leaving inefficient "people" systems, mindsets, and unique challenges in its wake. Now is the moment for both disruptive and innovative solutions.
Talent Management, Alignment, Development (M.A.D.) Strategy
Leadership Development & Coaching
Military Spouse Integration Pro
Talent Model of the Future
It is a time for both innovative and disruptive solutions.

Attracting Top Talent
Complete candidate-employee experience
Performance driven talent development
Inclusion and belonging as cultural behaviors
Enhanced employee-employer relationship
Growth-oriented culture

Get Started in three Steps
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The Fortitude Institute
Strengthening organizations through talent

M.A.D. Talent Solutions

We offer complete talent and development solutions. Our team will analyze each component of your talent strategy, also known as your "people strategy," to help you develop approaches to improve talent attraction, growth, and retention to meet organizational goals.

Leadership, we believe, is more than a title; it is a way of life. The goal of our team is to provide tools and training that improve performance and leadership skills while aligning them with organizational and retention goals.

Competitive businesses want a diverse, highly skilled, and resilient talent pool. We give organizations the tools, education, and program development plan they need to recruit and retain military spouses.